Bridging the gap between abundance and scarcity

For the past two years, the Northern region of Ethiopia has been engulfed in conflict, resulting in a devastating famine. The war has caused a record-breaking number of 5.1 million internally displaced people, with attacks on civilians, health facilities, and schools across the nation. Due to the war, 2.6 million youths under the age of 25 have been internally displaced, disrupting their education and resulting in less economically productive and socially resilient communities.

According to the World Food Programme (WFP), 9.4 million people across the Tigray, Afar, and Amhara regions are in need of food assistance due to the impacts of the conflict. Now, children in Northern Ethiopia are facing severe hunger. Our organization is dedicated to establishing a safe and efficient pipeline transporting excess food from U.S food banks to famine-stricken children in Northern Ethiopia

Our Mission

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A nutrition to a child today is a promise for tomorrow!